Articles & Blogs

Thought Of The Month: August 2019

Thought Of The Month: August 2019

“The Lazy Days of Summer” By: Vince DiPasquale We are now entering the one month of the year when the...
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Thought Of The Month: July 2019

Thought Of The Month: July 2019

“Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow” By Vince DiPasquale The month of July is always dedicated to the theme of freedom and...
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Thought Of The Month: June 2019

Thought Of The Month: June 2019

“God’s Messengers” By: Vince DiPasquale Welcome to the month of June, the beginning of summer, a time to relax, sit...
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Thought Of The Month: May 2019

Thought Of The Month: May 2019

“Relationship with Self”          By: Vince DiPasquale Welcome to the very special month of May.  It’s a time to renew our...
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Thought Of The Month: April 2019

Thought Of The Month: April 2019

“No Pain, No Gain” By: Vince DiPasquale “April showers bring May flowers”; “No pain, no gain”; “Struggle is part of...
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Opioids and the Older Adult \ “Education is Prevention” : Help The Starting Point to Share This Free Community Program

Opioids and the Older Adult \ “Education is Prevention” : Help The Starting Point to Share This Free Community Program

Friends, With regards to the current crisis of opiate addiction, we are battling some frightening statistics: Almost one-third of all...
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Thought Of The Month: March 2019

Thought Of The Month: March 2019

“The Grieving Process” By: Vince DiPasquale Welcome to the month of March, a time to experience the ebb and flow...
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Thought Of The Month: February 2019

Thought Of The Month: February 2019

"LET GO AND LET GOD..." By: Vince DiPasquale Welcome to the month of February, a time of preparation for spring....
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Thought Of The Month: January 2019

Thought Of The Month: January 2019

“LOVE AND GENEROSITY” By: Vince DiPasquale It’s hard to believe that it’s a new year. It’s a time for renewal...
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Thought Of The Month: Dec 2018

Thought Of The Month: Dec 2018

"Celebrating The Child" By: Vince DiPasquale   Welcome to the month of December, the month of the child.  Let’s take time...
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Help Us to Help Others

Help Us to Help Others

Dear Friends and Family of The Starting Point, Each of you have a story and, like most stories, they have...
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Thought Of The Month: Nov 2018

Thought Of The Month: Nov 2018

“Willingness, Humility & THANKSGIVING” By: Vince DiPasquale In case you missed this ... Each morning begins a new day. Let...
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Thought Of The Month: Oct 2018

Thought Of The Month: Oct 2018

"Thanksgiving: Transition and change..." By: Vince DiPasquale October is the month of transition and change. It’s a time to let...
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Thought Of The Month: Sept 2018

Thought Of The Month: Sept 2018

“EGO vs SPIRIT” By: Vince DiPasquale There are many ways that we are grounded in the spirit world.  We are...
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Thought Of The Month: Aug 2018

Thought Of The Month: Aug 2018

“The KISS Principle” By: Vince DiPasquale Some very special people taught me these messages of life. My Dad would always...
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Accessing Your True Self

Accessing Your True Self

By Geoff Farnsworth, CHT, CAC Our basic nature is that Higher Self within each of us from the moment of...
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Thought Of The Month: July 2018

Thought Of The Month: July 2018

“Lessons of Freedom” By Vince DiPasquale When People lack a sense of awe, there will be disaster. When People do...
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Thought Of The Month: June 2018

Thought Of The Month: June 2018

“Life is such a beautiful process ~ let us learn how to trust it.” By Vince DiPasquale As we begin...
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Thought Of The Month: May 2018

Thought Of The Month: May 2018

“Let Go & Let God” By: Vince DiPasquale May is the month of new beginnings. Spring is here making it...
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Thought Of The Month: April 2018

Thought Of The Month: April 2018

The Secret Of Life ~ The Spirit Of Balance And Service By Vince DiPasquale Each day we are taught by...
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Thought Of The Month: March 2018

“Simplicity, Humility, Service” By Vince Di Pasquale March has many names but the most favorite one is March Madness. This...
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