Thought Of The Month: August 2020 ~ Kick Back and Reflect …

By: Vince DiPasquale

August is a time to kick back and reflect. We have all been through so much these past months.

A friend of mine put together some quotes of mine from the lectures I do. I would like to share them with you as food for thought.

  • Look at people the way they are and not the way you want them to be.
  • Attitudes are learned so all attitudes can be changed.
  • Self-esteem is another form of spirituality.
  • We came into this world for a purpose.
  • Acceptance is facing the reality of what is.
  • Never deny anyone their pain and struggle. No pain, no gain.
  • If you keep it inside it becomes a mountain. Share it; let it out and it gets smaller.
  • Share with someone who won’t give advice, but just be there for you.
  • For every defect there is an asset. From the defects you discern your assets.
  • What you can do, you do. What you can’t do, don’t do.
  • Make peace with yourself.
  • The grieving process begins anytime you end something.
  • When you meet someone who is obnoxious remember they have come into your life to teach you what obnoxious is.
  • Sometimes you must wallow in the mud until you begin to realize, it’s “mud”.
  • We don’t want closure. We want to hang onto something that so we can place blame.
  • Self-esteem comes from the inside out.
  • Good healthy growth is 10 steps forward and 8 steps back. That’s progress!
  • You have no control over anyone else.
  • Nothing happens by accident.
  • The sun comes up even on a cloudy day.

I hope these quotes help you see how simple life really is. Enjoy these beautiful days. Make sure you always celebrate life in the spirit of gratitude for each day!

Vince D.