Thought Of The Month: December 2020 ~ On Faith, Hope and Simplicity ….

By Vince DiPasquale

Well, we have reached the end of another year. We are given so much to think about during the month and there are so many ways to celebrate life. We have Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and New Year’s Eve and Day; and within these holidays numerous ways to celebrate. The world comes alive with lights and family gatherings. The world turns this special time into a crazy whirlwind time of shopping, preparing food and, for some, a chance to make money.

Let’s pause and take a moment to look inside to see the real meaning of the season. Let’s meditate on the struggle for personal freedom, the simplicity of a child, and the abundance of God’s gifts. These are summed up in each of us embracing the spirit of life. This season is not about external or material things. This season is about faith, hope and the simplicity of a child.

Mothers understand fully what I am trying to say. As a child gets ready to leave their mother’s womb the pain and struggle of birth is not easy but is followed by the energy of love. During this season, try to understand why fear and love go together. Many times, in life we have to face our fears, work through them, and receive the powerful energy of love. Our Creator gave us this beautiful energy at the moment of our birth. Yet we must walk the journey of life, though our fears, to tap into the energy of love within us. Life is such a simple journey.

The feast of Hanukkah tries to give us this message- go within, listen, and know that we are being led. Our egos and our fears make us think we are in charge. We’re not. Let’s learn to stop, listen, and learn.

The feast of Christmas reminds us that there is the simplicity of a child inside all of us. Little children function on energy. They are true lovers because they are still connected with their Creator. The child in us is trying to teach us to live in the moment. In Alcoholics Anonymous there is a piece of literature that says “Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.” Yesterday is over and becomes history. Be open to its lessons by learning and growing from them. Tomorrow is not yet here so don’t worry, be happy and live just for today! “A child shall lead us.” Children don’t worry about yesterday or tomorrow. They live for today!

Kwanzaa reminds us to face our history, embrace it and acknowledge our history in the spirit of love and growth. Share the abundance of your gifts and love and you will receive them back a hundredfold. Always remember history is your greatest teacher.

Finally, we celebrate the New Year. I would like to invite all of us to take part in a simple tradition as this year ends and a new one begins. Take time to reflect and make New Year’s Eve an occasion to meditate on the spirit of gratitude. Reflect back on the year. Try to look at everything that we experienced, the positive and the negatives, as teachable moments. This should be a day to think and reflect. What a beautiful way to start the New Year by being open to God’s will. Thank God for the season of joy and love. Say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new.

However you choose to celebrate this season, have a happy, blessed and peaceful holiday season. Relax and be happy!