Thought For the Month – August 2017

The month of August is frequently referred to as “the dog days of summer”. It’s almost like the world tries to stop rotating for a while. Many of us use it as a time to relax and celebrate life. Let’s make sure that we don’t take a vacation from growing as people. It’s a time to sit back and look at our vision of life. We are our attitude. We create our own journey by the vision we have of ourselves. If we look at life in the vision of negativity or defeat our lives will reflect this image. There is a beautiful saying: “dare to dream”. We are given so many negative messages. Let’s all think positively. We are the architects of our lives. We are very powerful human beings. I would like to share with you 10 simple, beautiful principles that will help you to look at life in a positive way.

1. Be real and accept the reality of who you are. Be proud to be you. Look at each experience in life as a teacher. We are a people in progress. Acceptance is the key to all growth.

2. Be open to life’s journey. Each day we are being led by a higher source that many of us call God. We are being guided. Look at life with positive eyes. Try to be open to rediscover the positive power we have already. At the moment of our birth we were given by God all we need for life. We are in the process of discovering the power we already have, if we are open to grow. Openness to the journey of life will free us as people.

3. Let go and let God. One of the great obstacles of life is the disease of control. The more you try to control the journey of life, the more frustrated you will become. Let’s try to get in touch with the energy and spirit of life, get into the flow, and go where we are led. We all need to listen and learn. Stop thinking so much and just be open to where life will lead you today. When you let go of control the vision of life will unfold. Please let yourself be teachable.

4. Self-knowledge. Take the time to reflect on your own personal history. Your story is the greatest story on the face of the earth. Honor your story; look at it with positive eyes. Remember your history is your teacher. If you look at each experience in a positive way, it will become your teacher.

5. Share your story with others. When you share your experience you help others to share things. The greatest way to learn about ourselves is in sharing with others. Each one of us needs each other. We are both teachers and pupils every day of our lives.

6. Accept your handicaps, as they are gifts from God to teach us so much about life. All of us have certain defects. Remember for every defect there is an asset. My father always said you don’t know what it is to get up until you fall down. This teaches us the gift of humility. Take time to ask God to help us deal with every aspect of life. We need guidance and direction. Our spiritual growth depends on our willingness to ask for help. Many situations in life can be overcome if we are open to ask for direction. Some things we can deal with and some defects we have to accept and learn to live with.

7. Learn how to make amends to those people we have injured or harmed – including ourselves! Take time to make peace with all of these situations whenever humanly possible. The purpose of these principles is to settle and make peace with ourselves and, if possible, with others.

8. Take time each day to reflect and do a daily inventory. Once of the most positive ways to grow as a person is to look at each experience each day as our higher power’s way of teaching us the great lessons of life. If you have an open mind you can learn so much.

9. Stay centered and pray each day to be open to God’s will. Plan each day but realize that change is part of life. Don’t be rigid; circumstances lead us in different directions. Our plan and God’s plan aren’t always the same. Our prayer is that we listen and learn where we are being led.

10. Always live in the spirit of gratitude and sharing. We have so much for which to be thankful. God has given each of us the gift of life and helps us to discover our potential. Live your life openly and honestly and by your example you will be an inspiration to others. The secret is being open to share your gifts with others and you will receive gifts back a hundredfold. Be generous and live your life the best you can. If you are positive in your vision of life your energy will be passed on to others.

These ten principles are the secrets of life. If you live by them you will experience the gift of peace and serenity within, thus attracting positive results in all that you do. Be good to yourself and let’s all thank God for the gifts we’ve been given. Take time to share your gifts with others. Enjoy the rest of the summer. God bless!