Welcome to the New Year! Our theme for this year is to explore the simple thoughts of a man who lived 2500 years ago. He left us 81 special verses that teach us the simplicity and the paradox of life. This month we meditate on the paradox of life. Let’s listen to Lao- tzu’s second verse of the Tao.
Under heaven all can see beauty as beauty,
only because there is ugliness.
All can know good as good only because there is evil.
Being and nonbeing produce each other.
The difficult is born in the easy.
Long is defined by short, the high by the low.
Before and after go along with each other.
So, the sage lives openly with apparent duality
And paradoxical unity.
The sage can act without effort
And teach without words.
Nurturing things without possessing them,
He works, but not for rewards.
He competes, but not for results.
When the work is done, it is forgotten.
That is why it lasts forever.
Opposites are attracted to each other and the paradox of life is to understand both sides of all issues. The Source of life, God, has given us free will to make choices. On the journey of life, we experience many opposites. They are there to teach us how to take responsibility for our choices in life. At times we may have to experience choices that are painful so that we can learn the lessons and grow. No pain no gain. Everything that is worthwhile must be earned. We are all human beings who have been sent here on earth to learn our lessons. Life is a huge stage with ugliness and beauty, good and evil, long and short, highs and lows. These paradoxes are how we define life. We need to experience it all. Don’t be afraid of your struggles because they are gifts. Don’t run from them, face them, feel them and be open to learn from them. We are being taught through our struggles. Each of us is a work in progress and each day is a chapter being written. The secret of life is to share our stories with each other. We can learn from each other’s stories. We are being told by the Tao to live openly and honestly and to teach by example. The way we live fully is by example. We are taught to nurture not to possess. Love each day but don’t look for rewards. Do things out of joy and celebration. Share your gifts and they will multiply. Our spirit is who we are, it is our uniqueness, it makes us different from each other. Our spirit comes from the Source of life, and it must be shared. Our bodies will one day die. They are simply temporary housing for our spirits. If you truly live life as fully as possible and if you share your gifts they will live on in others. Two very special gentlemen came into the world with powerful messages. Before they could discover it, they had to experience pain, depression, shame, and guilt. They had to go to the bottom to reach the top. Their struggle to rediscover their spirit led them to share it with others. Today the spirit of these two men, Dr. Bob and Bill W. touches the hearts of thousands of people. They have only physically died but they live in many of us today. They left us the responsibility to share our gifts with others. The great lesson of “passing it forward”. Their work is done, it is forgotten, that is why it lasts forever.
Please don’t be afraid to struggle. Trust in God and in your spirit, and life will lead you where you need to go. We are all connected to the main Source of life, God. Always remember, don’t be afraid of opposites. They attract each other because they are great teachers
Enjoy the season of winter, it will bring the season of spring. God bless you!