Articles & Blogs

Intimacy in Long Term Relationships | Dr Kenneth Goldberg & Anna Marie Hrivnak | Loretta Depka Zerbo

Intimacy in Long Term Relationships | Dr Kenneth Goldberg & Anna Marie Hrivnak | Loretta Depka Zerbo

Introduced during Vince DiPasquale’s usual Wednesday Lecture Series was the background for an upcoming three-part podcast series on “Intimacy in...
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The Many Faces of Shame | Shame Series 2023 | Vince DiPasquale

The Many Faces of Shame | Shame Series 2023 | Vince DiPasquale

Vince begins this series on something he considers to be the root of many addictions and other personal challenges: shame....
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Codependency Series 2023 – Discovering The Inner Child

Codependency Series 2023 – Discovering The Inner Child

Whatever we have experienced in our life leads to growth. While it is important to get in touch with our...
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Thought of The Month September 2023 ~ Relationships:  The Gifts of Life

Thought of The Month September 2023 ~ Relationships: The Gifts of Life

By: Vince DiPasquale Quite a few years ago I was spending time sitting on a beach looking at the ocean...
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Thought of The Month August 2023 ~ Time to Smell the Roses

Thought of The Month August 2023 ~ Time to Smell the Roses

By: Vince DiPasquale The month of August has always been referred to as, “the dog days of summer”. August is...
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Codependency Series 2023 – Family of Origin

Codependency Series 2023 – Family of Origin

It has been said that by the first 7-10 years of our life, the foundation of who we are --...
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Codependency Series 2023 – Self Parenting & Affirmations

Codependency Series 2023 – Self Parenting & Affirmations

As children, many of us did not have our needs met. Some of us still have trouble learning how to...
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Codependency Series 2023 – Six Stages of Recovery

Codependency Series 2023 – Six Stages of Recovery

Over the past few weeks, Vince has discussed the definition of codependency, the traits and characteristics of a codependent, family...
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Codependency Series 2023 – Roles of Codependency

Codependency Series 2023 – Roles of Codependency

Without even knowing it, many of us learned to play certain roles as children that were not good for us....
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Codependency Series 2023 – Codependency & Relationships

Codependency Series 2023 – Codependency & Relationships

Many of us have not had good role models for relationships. In today's lecture, Vince discusses unhealthy relationships and how...
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Codependency Series 2023 – How To Play & Have Fun

Codependency Series 2023 – How To Play & Have Fun

In week 3 of the Codependency series, Vince discusses how to play and have fun! Co-dependents take life very seriously....
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Codependency Series  2023 – Family Systems

Codependency Series 2023 – Family Systems

Vince will discuss how to do an inventory of the five families listed below that we are given at birth....
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Life Lessons From Golf | Rutgers-Camden Coach Bob Cardea | Interviewed by Loretta Depka Zerbo

Life Lessons From Golf | Rutgers-Camden Coach Bob Cardea | Interviewed by Loretta Depka Zerbo

Listen in as our Executive Director Loretta Depka Zerbo interviews Rutgers University Golf Coach and owner of South Jersey Golf...
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Mindfulness & Compassion

Mindfulness & Compassion

A Path for Transformation Under the guidance of a professionally trained instructor, these sessions include guided meditations, poems or inspirational...
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Thought of The Month July 2023 ~ The Journey to Freedom

Thought of The Month July 2023 ~ The Journey to Freedom

By: Vince DiPasquale As little children growing up, we are very dependent on our families and our communities. We look...
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Thought of The Month June 2023 ~ Let Go, Let God

Thought of The Month June 2023 ~ Let Go, Let God

By: Vince DiPasquale Many of us spend a great deal of time trying to figure out the battle between the...
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Save The Date! ~ for The Starting Point Golf Classic 2023

Save The Date! ~ for The Starting Point Golf Classic 2023

To reserve your spot, download and print the event form* here, then email the completed form to . Alternately,...
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Thought of the Month May 2023 ~ A Month of Memories

Thought of the Month May 2023 ~ A Month of Memories

By: Vince DiPasquale The month of May has always been special to me.  It’s a time of memories and major...
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Thought Of The Month April 2023 ~ “What Does It Mean to Be a Spiritual Person?”

Thought Of The Month April 2023 ~ “What Does It Mean to Be a Spiritual Person?”

I would like to dedicate this month as a time to reflect on the special word, spiritual.  April is a...
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Thought Of The Month March 2023 ~ “Spiritual Principles For Living”

Thought Of The Month March 2023 ~ “Spiritual Principles For Living”

Let’s take some time to reflect this month on the most special word in the English language – spirituality. Each...
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Thought Of The Month – February 2023

Thought Of The Month – February 2023

February is always considered the “love” month and the unpredictable month. What a combination! During this month we celebrate Saint...
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